Saturday, October 07, 2006

Current threats of a century ago -

I thank one of my friends in the ministry, Dr. Robert Griffin, for finding this and getting it out (Grif.Net - 10/07/06 Weekend Grif.Net - Danger in the New Century). I had seen it before, but lost contact with it. General Wm. Booth saw correctly the issues that face our nation and all of western culture.

“At the turn of the Century, one of the leading newspapers addressed thefollowing question to many notable persons In Great Britain: ‘What in your opinion is the chief danger, social or political, thatconfronts the coming century?’ “Here is one of the responses: ‘In answer to your enquiry, I consider that the chief dangers which confrontthe coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost; Christianitywithout Christ; forgiveness without repentance; salvation withoutregeneration; politics without God; and Heaven without Hell.’‘General William BoothFounder, Salvation Army The War Cry - 5 January 1901 p7, col.2’”

I would add only one item.

“… and people who call themselves Christians who cannot see the difference.”