Thursday, August 31, 2006

Where's Old Sam Now?

Here is an article sure to disappoint. Wal-Mart, long thought to be a strong conservative corporation, has made a dramatic move to choose sides in the cultural war over homosexuality. They have joined the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. I understand that the law requires certain positions on the part of interstate corporations. But, this goes beyond the law. This is alignment. I’m going to write to them and politely express my disappointment. If you want to contact them, write to their president, Rob Walton, at But do it politely.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

(Sigh) Another One!?!?!?

As though Dan Brown wasn’t enough, it seems the market is wide open for more preposterous nonsense about Jesus and Mary Magdalene. The most recent is written as fiction, but, in the end, the author claims for herself decendence from Mary and Jesus. Baptist Press has already run a good review. Look at it here.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Still Morally Unacceptable

Recently, Advanced Cell Technology of Worcester, Mass. made a claim that aroused a lot of talk. It claimed to have taken one cell from an 8- cell embryo and developed stem cells from it. The benefit, they said, was that the remaining 7-cell embryo could be implanted and grow to be a baby. Here is an article noting that the ethical issues have not in fact been answered by this technique. Embryonic cell research is still morally unacceptable.