It's just too much for one day. Earlier today I was steered to the video below. Then, I heard that Oprah was introducing a pregnant man this afternoon. After I got over the fact that this was not some bizarre April fools joke, I was - well, repulsed is too small a word. What figured prominently was the idea of "redefining normal." Here was a woman who "changed" herself into a "man" by deleting some parts, and taking some drugs. With that, she changed her name to "Thomas". And that made her a man. Except - she wanted a baby, so got pregnant. When writing about the experience she (I refuse to acknowledge any maleness in this) said that she wanted everyone to "embrace the gamut of sexuality and define for themselves what is normal." Here is humanity deciding to be its own standard. Nothing really new here. But, the length to which this "human debris" (I owe this to Rush) was willing to go has moved the evidence of humanity's ultimate degradation to a new level.
Well, some might wonder how in the world this can happen. We know about humanity's depravity. But, what - how - where did this come from. Listen to this and you will begin to understand. By the way, I know nothing about the book being advertised at the end.
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