Monday, October 27, 2008

More on Pillsbury

This past Wednesday, Justin Nelson posted the following on his Facebook page:

"Today an announcement was made that may or may not have shocked anyone who is associated with Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. As of the end of the fall semester of 2008 Pillsbury will cease its academic programs as an educational institution and will begin its process in cleaning up its financial obligations.

"Most who've attended the institution will attest that it is the most family-oriented place on Earth. Others, on the other hand, may say the rules were too strict. Regardless our opinion about Pillsbury, what can we say about the current and conclusive situation? 'I'm sad'? 'I'm angry'? 'Who can I blame'? 'I'm not surprised'?

"Pillsbury has prepared young (and old) men and women for the work of God through education, experience and prayer for over 50 years. Many who graduated are heavily involved in full time ministries throughout the world. Many who graduated are involved in Church ministries around our nation. Many who graduated are working secular 9-5 jobs and witnessing to their co-workers and clients. Many are living their own life with God on the side.

"God has a plan for you, me and this world that we cannot fully understand. However, we do know that God loves and He will not forsake us. He has given us His Word. He has given us His Son. He has given us His Spirit to those who believe on his Son. He has given us instructions on how to live. He deserves our praise for He is Holy and good.

"Pillsbury has been an effective tool that God has used in many lives of people throughout the World. His plan for the preparation of the second coming of His Son is thought out and perfect. Let's remember Pillsbury as a place where God expressed His will to men and women for the carrying out of His eternal plan."

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