I’m sure he thought he had the right information. I’m sure he thought he was delivering good news to those who desperately wanted to hear it. I’m sure that those that heard it thought it was true, and that the miracle they had prayed for had happened. I’m sure.
This could be about the recent tragedy in Sago, West Virginia. The mining supervisor thought he had the right information. He knew that the families had gathered in prayer hoping for the return of their loved ones from the mine. Therefore, he was sure that they would want to know the good news he had heard. Except – what he heard, or thought he heard, was not what really was. Bells rang. People laughed and sang, and got ready to go greet their loved ones. And then – tragedy all over again. The message was wrong. For twelve of the families, hopes turned to horror, turned to hysteria, turned to heartache. The supervisor thought the information was right – but it wasn’t. The people believed the information to be right – but it wasn’t. Everyone thought there was reason for joy – but it was not the joy they had expected. Yes, one miner came through alive. But where thirteen men went into the mine, twelve died there – leaving families, dreams, responsibilities, and promises unfulfilled. The first paragraph could be about this.
But it could also be about what goes on all the time in the name of God. It is just as tragic when people hear what they think is good news about their standing before God. The person giving it may believe it, those hearing believe it. And there is great dependence on it. But, it is not true. Many churches have chosen to remake God and the gospel in their own image. They want the news to be what they want to hear – or what they want to say. So, without being careful and getting the real information from God and His Word, they proclaim a message that has the details in it, but the detail are backwards. They are giving the exactly wrong message. The bells ring, the people are pleased – but the message is false. And instead of finding the peace and destiny they desired, they find emptiness and destruction.
It’s not enough to believe. You need to believe the right message. It’s not enough to give good news. You must give the God’s Good News. Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners. This is not by any of our righteous works, but in accordance with His mercy. We can do nothing but trust in Him, personally. Paul said that he preached Christ and Him crucified. The message that contains is not the message the world wants to hear. But it is the truth. It is the message they need to hear. It is the only message that can deliver men and women and boys and girls from the tragedy coming. They have the responsibility to believe the truth. We have the responsibility to give the Truth.
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