It's the 23rd, and Christmas is almost here. I can remember how this time excited me when I was a child. But, like Paul said, I put away childish things. Yeah, Christmas is still exciting, but differently. This year, Jacque and I are taking the responsibility of hosting the family for Christmas Day and the day after. We will have, to the best of our count, eighteen in our home for dinner on the 25th. I realize that some families are far larger, but this is a crowd for us. It could be more crowded.
Due to distance, our daughter and son-in-law in Greenville, SC won't be able to attend with us (sniff, sniff). But the rest of the family should be there.
Now what is the point of this? I don't really have one. It's just ... well, it's just that, I still love Christmas. I love Christ. I cannot express my thanks to the Father for sending His Son for me. I love my wife, and all of my kids and kids-in-law (including the one who I think wants to be a kid-in-law). God has been so good to our family, His gift has proven itself so precious, that there is no adequate expression of my gratitude.
Christina Rossetti wrote a poem that ends with these words.
"What can I give Him,
Poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd
I would bring a lamb.
If I were a wiseman
I would do my part.
Yet, what can I give Him?
Give Him my heart."
Merry Christmas from the Fullers.
1 comment:
As each of us prepares for Christmas and it's American "business", I find myself moved to tears by your heartfelt message, Pastor. I think it behoves us all to remember why we praise God, and sending His son is the biggest reason. Also, the thankfulness that you show for the gifts in your life is an example to us all. Our families, our time, our health...What a gift of hope we have been given. Thank you for helping us to praise God for our everyday blessings in a time of selfishness that man has created.
Merry Chrismas to you as well!
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