Monday, October 31, 2005

Come on, really?!

I mean, who would have thought that a US Senator would get it wrong – and so completely wrong. US Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) was quoted in an AP article today. I am not surprised that he opposes Judge Samuel Alito as a nominee to SCOTUS. What is amazing (though, I guess it should not be) is how condescending he is in his opposition. Ron Fournier, writing for the AP and picked up by the Minneapolis Star, quotes Reid.

"The Senate needs to find out if the man replacing Miers is too radical for the American people."

Too radical for the American people. Who does Reid think he is? What does he think the Senate is? What, to him, does it mean to be a Democrat? It sounds like a parent, telling their children, “Too much candy is not good for you.” Maybe he is just in the Halloween mood, but since this sound like his normal approach, I tend to think he really believes that he, and his fellow Dems are the definers of what is “too radical.”

You know, maybe he’s too liberal for the American people.

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