Saturday, October 01, 2005

Will it work?

I have been thinking recently about a new textbook that is being considered for the Public School system. The purpose of the book is to teach the student the how the Bible has influenced culture. Some see this as a giant step forward.

I am not overly confident of this. This is not a Bible re-written for use in the PS system, it is a survey written for the PS system. As such it approaches the Bible like the Illiad.

The Bible and Its Influence) is the first designed to meet constitutional standards for public school use and be subjected to extensive review by scholars. It is also the first high school textbook to provide comprehensive coverage of the Bible’s influence on literature, art, music, and rhetoric.
Besides, I am not sure that "designed to meet constitutional standards" really means anything. It assumes that all the ACLU has been waiting for is for us Christians to come into alignment with the Constitution. I do not for a moment believe that to be the case. The resistance is not about "constitutional issues" it is about rejection.I am skeptical. I can see only two alternatives. One - this won't work. Two - the text will so water down the true nature of the Scriptures that the kids will get about as much out of it as Lord of the Flies.

Like I say, I am skeptical!


Anonymous said...

Maybe it won't "work", but maybe it is at least an "in" into the public schools. They are allowed to talk about Judaism, Buddhism, Hiduism, etc, but not Christianity. Perhaps, although it is not THE answer, people will at least have some exposure to and seek answers to questions about the Bible. One small step is better than no step at all. Let's think positively!

Always Forward said...

I appreciate your desire to be positive. I also welcome anything that allows the truth of Christ into the lives of people. As I percieve this, it will not be an "infection" of Christianity, but rather an "innoculation" against it.

PS, Names are always appreciated.