An old childhood story of a red hen came to mind this week. The hen tried to get help to make something; I really cannot remember what it was. But no one was willing to help. But, when it came time to eat, everyone wanted to share in the fruit of her labor. It appears that this story is being played out by some members of the Republican Party. They want votes, but the voters must not make life difficult on them.
Recently, former Senator John Danforth, Republican from Missouri, jumped on what must be a very fashionable bandwagon when he blamed the conservative evangelicals for the divisiveness in Washington. Evidently, you cannot have strong beliefs in his Republican Party. Evidently, you are allowed to vote him into office, but you are not allowed to work to see the positions you espouse brought to the front of the debate.
Mr. Danforth needs to remember that if conscientiously held beliefs and positions are out of bounds in the Republican Party, then the conservative evangelicals, the religious right, will leave. And if they leave, the Mr. Danforths of this world won’t stand a chance. There are not enough moderates to accomplish anything. Most everyone feels strongly about their position. And the conservative evangelicals, the religious right, will not give up their ground just to make life a little easier for the politicians.
There is still a culture war being waged, and when there is war, there is conflict, divisiveness. You cannot be on both sides, Mr. Danforth. Choose today, unless you have already chosen.
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