With every passing day the world is choosing sides. And Christians need to know what is at stake.
In Monday's AgapePress News Summary there are short articles about both Harvard University and the Democratic Party Chairman, Howard Dean, with regard to the subject of Intelligent Design (ID). To be sure, ID is not quite Creationism. Creationism assumes a personal creator, while ID only notes that the material universe exhibits characteristics of intelligent design. The difference might not be readily apparent, but ID is being given more credibility than Creationism because ID does not specify a personal creator. But this post is not about the difference between ID and Creationism.
Howard Dean, by his public comments, is putting the Democratic party publicly against ID. He insists on maintaining the privileged position that evolution now occupies. We should not be surprised that the world would not want anything to do with a creator God. What is surprising is the number of believers that either do not see the dangers in evolutionary philosophy, or think the issue is of no importance.
This is especially true when it comes to our children's education. To have the authority of the national and state education establishment endorsing one religious idea (Evolution) over another (Creation/Intelligent Design) should be of great concern to Christian parents. At stake is the very foundation of the truths of Salvation. It could be argued that many of the ills of society that have been evidenced in these last several decades (for example the life/choice issues and increased sexual perversions) are the result of, among other things, successive generations believing that they are only animals with no accountability to God. Many may give lip service to a belief in God, but behind it all is running a mind programmed by a comprehensive philosophy of humanism and a spirit unchanged by the creator God of the universe.
Believers really do not have the option to stand by on the sidelines on this issue. God is on the agenda again. We may or may not be able to change culture, but we must protect our children, and we must remember that the Gospel itself is based on a creator God to whom all people are accountable.
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